Steps on How to Run an Email Marketing Campaign


    It’s now clear that you know why your small business should be using e- mail marketing techniques to increase its consumer base, increase revenue and build brand awareness. However, be aware that if the e- mail marketing
    techniques are not used properly, they may fail  to work and your business may end up attracting huge losses.

    It is thus very essential that you know the proper ways to implement e- mail marketing strategies. This will help you avoid alienating your consumers. There are three basics which you must get right before you can begin to expect your e- mail marketing campaigns to start showing results.

    These basics include:

    • Creating a list of individuals who will want to receive the message of your business
    • Crafting the message so that it’s not though of as spam
    • Creating an effective system which will get the message into your viewers inbox

    Once you’ve accomplished the three basics, you can work on a number of more sophisticated and detailed tactics to improve your results.

    Here is a guideline that can assist you run an e- mail marketing campaign correctly:

    Step1: Getting Started

    For most business operators, the misconception that there has to be a marketing professional in order to implement an e- mail marketing campaign successfully represents their biggest hurdle. Generally, e- mail marketing can often be a lot easier that it sounds provided a person gets the basics right. Once you’ve decided to create an email
    marketing technique, the next step for you is to start consolidation your name for your outgoing e- mail list.

    Step2: Creating an E- mail List

    You’ll require a list of names as well as e- mail addresses to start with, so that you can begin getting your e- mail marketing messages out there. Start by gathering together all of your contact information and names into one identifiable spot. Typically, the best way of organizing and categorizing your e- mail names list is using a

    This is not difficult and thus you do not require a computer science degree for you to use a database. You can use Macs Mactracker or Microsofts Excel Spreadsheet or anything else which you know how to operate well. Using a database to manage all your names will make you see the different e- mail addresses that you already have. You can also begin with you business rolodex and a list of current and previous potential consumers.

    Step3: Coming up With Sign- up Sheets

    If you do not al ready posses the e- mail addresses of your consumers, it is important that you come up with sign up sheets so that they can provide you with their e- mail addresses. An ideal way to do this is to provide a sign- up form at your store front or on your business’s website, it is important that you encourage your consumers to sign up by
    giving them something once they happen to give you their e- mail addresses.